Zoom quickly fixes ‘malware-like’ macOS installer with new update
Zoom is playing fast and loose with our privacy but like Google, they get away with it because they build such a doggone good product. I’m hopeful they’ll learn their lesson and start to operate in a fashion that’s more respectful of their customers but seems like they’re still in the “ask for forginevess rather than permisson” stage.
Amazon and Apple Strike Deal for Prime Video In-App Purchases and Subscriptions
From Daring Fireball:
Why would Apple agree to this? Financially, Apple now gets a cut of some Prime Video rentals and purchases, and a recurring cut of new Prime Video subscriptions made in-app. And Apple TV users get all the benefits from the Prime Video app supporting AirPlay 2, universal search, and integration with the TV app that Apple is trying to make the default interface for watching shows and movies. Prior to this deal, Apple made nothing from Prime Video — it was a free app with no in-app purchases, and there was no way to subscribe to Prime Video through iTunes.
Everyone wins in this situation. Makes me hopeful that we’ll see other providers such as Netflix check all of the “integration” boxes eventually to make the Apple TV experience better.
Why Animal Crossing calms you down, explained
I’ve been playing Animal Crossing for a few weeks now (code: SW-3039-0904-9213) and it really is super relaxing to spend a little bit of time each day working on the island. My first inclination was that I was a little too old for this sort of game but it’s really super fun to play a game with such an open-ended and low pressure progression model.
Community was one of the most inventive shows in TV history. It just started streaming on Netflix.
Another ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak time.
Exploring the Most Impactful iPad Apps of the Decade
It’s been really fun to watch the iPad go from a “consumption” device to a true desktop replacement in the past 5 or so years. I use a ton of the productivity tools listed here every day and would be sunk without them.
Great list from the MacStories team.
Amazon Prime Video now allows in-app rentals and purchases on the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV
Amazon Prime Video now allows in-app rentals and purchases on the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV
This is officially a big deal™, especially if they open things up for other online vendors like the Kindle book store.
Culture Deck in Time of Crisis
Culture Deck in Time of Crisis
Great lessons for companies focused on long term success.
Dark Sky Has a New Home
I’ll be interested to see what Apple does with the Dark Sky IP and their team over the next few years. I’d imagine this is part of a push for a more robust Siri. Or at least that’s my hope.
Apple Maps Redesign
If we can get half of these features in the next Apple Maps refresh, I’ll be much closer to switching.